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“Just knowing that people actually had hope in me and actually wanted me to do better for myself, that was a big push for me. I honestly can’t thank them enough.” –Jaquail Fowler, Cabbage Patch College Scholar.
As part of The Patch’s strategic planning, the Board of Directors and staff identified weekend programming as a high priority several months ago, but it wasn’t until The Humana Foundation provided us with a grant that we could make the expanded hours a reality. We are thrilled to be starting the New Year with a resolution to engage current members and new members in purpose-driven activities six days a week!
“I try to teach my kids the lessons that I learned at The Patch.” Jamie Fox is a Master Sergeant in the Kentucky Air National Guard’s 123rd Airlift Wing. He is also a devoted father who imparts the lessons of The Cabbage Patch to a new generation.
Click the video to hear Daron’s inspiring speech
Because of you, Lanayia gets to be herself. Because of you, Abdi gets to go to college. Because of you, Natalya’s life is “Awesome!” Because of you, more than 1,000 lives are profoundly changed each year.
“I grew up in a neighborhood of takers, and The Cabbage Patch is an environment of givers.” – Bob Willis, Senior Account Executive, Neace Lukens Insurance Company.
“I didn’t know what was best for me at 18…they did.” –Kim Nelson, Cabbage Patch alumna and Executive Director of Supported Employment Alliance
Because of our wonderful volunteers, The Cabbage Patch has been getting some spring cleaning done in preparation for summer programs! We teach Patch participants to respect and take care of their space, and it is important that we provide an environment that they can be proud of.
April 16, 2014 Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center This April, The Cabbage Patch invites you to tee up and take a swing at the 4th Annual Putt fore The Patch miniature golf tournament. This unique 18-hole indoor miniature “putt-putt” competition raises funds to support programs for children and families served by The Cabbage Patch Settlement House. Learn More >
Tracy Holladay, Executive Director, and Charissa Acree from The Cabbage Patch Settlement House talked to local radio station WAY-FM about our work to profoundly change the lives of children and families. The interview aired on November 10th. You can listen in below. https://www.cabbagepatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Cabbage-Patch-Settlement-House-2013-1950.mp3