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(502) 634-0811 1413 S. Sixth St
Louisville, KY 40208
The Cabbage Patch Settlement House is a local, non-profit Christian organization.
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Empowering Communities: The Patch partners with Whitney/Strong for Community Safety

The Cabbage Patch Family Development department welcomed the Whitney/Strong organization at a recent Patch Parents meeting. Whitney/Strong board member Quinones Corniel and Program Manager Danea Cloyd led the event, engaging our Patch Parents in crucial conversations about community safety and firearm education.

Recognizing the vital importance of the conversation, Patch Parents were deeply engaged knowing a thriving city is a safer city. According to the Greater Louisville Project and their “Safe City by Design” 2023 report, homicide in Louisville has spiked in the past three years and 60 young people died due to homicide in Louisville in 2021. Of the 60 young people who died due to homicide in 2021, 55 were black and 48 were young black men.

Quinones, a survivor of gun violence himself, shared his powerful insights on firearm safety. From firearm cases to safety holsters, he emphasized the crucial steps we can take to prevent tragedies. He also shared practical advice and eye-opening statistics: 61% of gun deaths in Kentucky are from firearm suicide, an average of 502 deaths every year. Plus, a study in JAMA Pediatrics revealed that if more gun owners with children locked up their firearms, we could prevent up to 1/3 of youth suicides and accidental deaths.

“Knowledge is power, and when you know better, you do better,” Quinones wisely said.
Attendees left the meeting armed not only with knowledge but also with tangible resources, courtesy of Whitney/Strong, including gun locks, t-shirts, and informative materials. This collaboration underscores our commitment at The Patch to nurture safe homes and communities, with a focus on empowering parents and guardians through meaningful engagement and support.

Through initiatives like our monthly Patch Parents meetings, we provide a platform for connection, shared learning, and collective action. We know that by connecting, we can unite to effect positive change and build a safer, more resilient future.

For those interested in learning more about The Cabbage Patch Family Development department, please visit: https://www.cabbagepatch.org/programs-and-services/counseling-and-family-services/

To explore the impactful work of the Whitney/Strong organization, visit: https://www.whitneystrong.org/

